Ginger: the same trusted payment partner, just with a new look!
Today we are happy to launch our new branding. Together with our friends from Resoluut, we gave the company a fresh look to match the international growth we have achieved. This is a look that, we think, can carry us forward into new markets in the coming years.
It was difficult to leave behind the logo and colours that we launched with back in 2014. However, as the preferred fintech partner for global banks and FI’s in the midst of a rapidly changing payments landscape, we thought we should embrace change too.
So gone is the orange, and in with the green!
This new colour references the botanical origins of our name and our mission to supply all the tech needed to offer local payments on a global scale. Afterall, Ginger is the root for all your online payments solutions
The payments industry is complicated enough—with lingo and buzzwords differing depending on which side of the Atlantic you sit. That is why our rebranding focuses on providing a website that is simple to navigate, consistent in its communications, and internationally focused.
Our new website provides you with a better overview of our online payment platform along with new products, use cases, and regularly updated blog posts that contain industry insights.
We are the perfect platform for online payments, come learn why: www.gingerpayments.com
We hope you like the new look,
– The Ginger Team